Gwendlyn Brown Finally Reveals Why She Didn’t Attend Her Mom’s Wedding

The Brown family has been going through it the last few years. 

In fact, happy times have been few and far between, but when they happen, the family celebrates. 

Like Mykelti Brown welcomed her twins, Madison Brown starting a new business, and Christine, one of Kody’s ex-wives, finding love again and marrying a new man. 

Fans are now just watching Christine’s courtship with husband David unfold on the new season. This includes getting her kids initial reactions to her getting serious with him. 

And someone who was clearly not on board from the start was her daughter Gwendlyn.

Which is why now it’s less of a surprise that she didn’t attend her mother’s wedding last October. 

More than two years after first coming out as bi on social media, Gwendlyn Brown shared that she is bisexual on an episode of Sister Wives. Good for her! (TLC)

To Recap…

But let’s go back here, way back to December 2022. That’s when Christine first started dating David Wooley, a widower with 8 kids of his own. 

Things got pretty serious pretty quickly for the pair. In one episode of Sister Wives, season 19, Christine even reveals they said the “L” word on their second date. 

Within less than a year, the pair married, with the nuptials happening in October 2023. 

Then there’s Gwendlyn, the third of Sister Wives‘ stars Kody Brown and Christine Brown. While Christine was just getting to know her future husband, Gwen was locking down her future wife. 

Gwen proposed to her now spouse Beatriz in November 2022. They married the following summer, in July 2023. 

Several of Gwendlyn’s family members were there to celebrate, including her mother and her siblings, as well as Meri Brown and Leon Brown.

Then, it came time for Christine to walk down the aisle. 

And that’s where the story gets tricky.

Christine Brown looks directly into the camera and gets serious in this Season 18 confessional scene. (TLC)

Gwendlyn Skips Her Mother’s Big Day

TLC viewers were very curious to figure out why the then 21-year old was NOT in attendance at her mom’s wedding to David Woolley in October 2023.

All of Christine’s other children were in the house, along with Janelle and some of her kids. (Meri and Kody and Robyn did not attend._

It certainly seemed for a while as if Gwendlyn is close to Christine, prompting many to wonder why she would possibly skip such an important occasion.

A few days after the wedding, with fans feverishly sharing conspiracy theories and bombarding her with questions, Gwen finally explained the situation. 

Well, sort of. We can’t say Brown’s response is exactly satisfying or enlightening, either.

“I was busy lol. Lots going on with school and my house,” Gwen told followers during an Instagram Q&A, later citing an organic chemistry class in particular.

While it’s true that Gwen was still in school at the time AND had just moved into her new dream home with her wife, it seemed like a slim excuse given the occasion she was missin. 

However, Gwen emphasized that her mother was aware that she wasn’t planning to attend the ceremony or reception in Utah.

“She didn’t mind she took me off the guest list soon as I told her,” Gwendlyn added to her followers in this update.

Was There Another Reason?! 

Christine did get to enjoy the special day alongside all five of her other kids, but this seems hard to believe.

She must have been disappointed that Gwendlyn chose not to make it.

As far as whether Gwendlyn just didn’t wanna be on camera for an event TLC was filming? Or if she was trying to avoid brother Paedon, who she doesn’t like very much?

No and no, she insists now neither was a factor in her decision.

Meanwhile, as Gwen insists her mother knew all along about her plans, sibling Mykelti Brown was apparently kept in the dark.

“Gwendlyn didn’t tell me why she wasn’t there,” Mykelti said on her Patreon at the time, adding at the time:

“When she didn’t show up it was kind of a shock to me. I didn’t know that she wasn’t going to be there…

“I don’t know the reasons why. There could have been an emergency, there could have been nothing, who knows? … But it’s sad.”

The whole thing is a little fishy in our opinion.

But the most important thing to focus on in the wake of Christine Brown getting married?

How incredibly happy she is!

And we’re so very happy for her.

The whole thing is a little fishy in our opinion.

But the most important thing to focus on in the wake of Christine Brown getting married?

How incredibly happy she is!

And we’re so very happy for her.

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